Meet Jeff and Jennifer Montgomery, an ordinary couple with an extraordinary tale. A tale of a heart-wrenchingly painful journey through hope, loss, pain, and despair. And a rocky path that leads them to the unexpectedly deliโฆ
"Just do it afraid. Do it with the insecurities. Do it with all of the things that could be hindering you. Do it with your heart beating out of your chest." And that is exactly what our guest in this episode, Dr. DeVonna Gatโฆ
Andrea Polk is the founder of Solo Noir , a premium line of grooming products for men of color, and co-founder of Zen Soul Apothecary, her soon-to-be-released brand, which she co-created with her amazingly insightful 5-year-โฆ
Our guest in this episode, Dr. Harold Foley III, is an academic professor (with a Ph.D.) turned real estate developer. He has been in real estate since 1996, starting off as co-owner and Vice President of VOB development, anโฆ
"The Lyndon Technique...has given me an insane amount of confidence...gave me a confirmation and assurance that I chose the right me a lot me out of my head...I've got my game face on big timeโฆ
In this episode, I had the privilege of interviewing Steve Ellis, a licensed cosmetologist & barber, educator, and Founder & Executive Director of the Untouchable Academy . Steve talked about the origins of his passion for tโฆ
From one desperate moment on a late-night car journey, Renรฉ Peรฑa - our guest in this episode, managed to turn the agonizingly painful loss of four of the most important people in her life into a masterpiece of a play that haโฆ
Our guest in this episode is a really good friend that I've had the privilege of knowing since middle school, through High School and College. A proud graduate of Tuskegee University in Veterinarian Medicine, Dr. Callie Harrโฆ
From adored husband and dad living the American dream to a broken-hearted widower and severely injured single dad, Tiran Jackson truly is the epitome of what can be overcome with the choice to persevere. A fellow Tennessee Sโฆ
Welcome to the Uncovered Legacy podcast. I am your host, Curtis Burke. In our first ever episode, I was pleased to have my cousin Erin Abelon introduce and interview me to give you an idea of what this podcast is. We talked โฆ